
From Stuck to Unstoppable

Dr Pooja Patel - Certified Yoga Teacher and Life Coach

Unlock Your True Potential to Create Radiant & Fulfilling Life


Self-Mastery Life Coaching

with Dr Pooja Patel


Overcome Inner Challenges and Rediscover Joy in Every Day

Embark on a transformative path towards self-discovery, empowerment, and lasting personal growth with Self-Mastery Life Coaching.

Let me guide you through a holistic journey that empowers you to unlock your true potential and live a life of purpose, fulfillment, and success.

You Need Life Coaching If:

  • You are looking for clarity, focus, and balance in life
  • You are struggling to achieve specific goals despite putting in hard work and having amazing plans
  • You want to overcome unproductive habits such as procrastination and overthinking, etc
  • You want to overcome low self-esteem, low self-confidence, constant worrying, lack of content feeling, etc
  • Limiting beliefs are holding you back from living your dream life
  • You want to improve personal and professional relationships
  • You are struggling to move on from past bad experiences and relationships
  • You perceive your life as unfulfilling, whether personal or professional and seeking ways to address it
  • You are unable to accept the truth and struggling to move on in life
  • You want to understand yourself better
  • You want overall personal excellence

Life Coaching Will Help You:

  • Get clarity and direction in your personal and professional life
  • Be productive and effective in time management
  • Live a purposeful, balanced, and fulfilling mindful life
  • Turn your plans into action and turn your dreams into reality
  • Ability to make better decisions, stay calm and focused in any circumstances
  • Better relationships
  • Reduce conflicts, confusion, and stress
  • Improve self-esteem, confidence, and willpower
  • Take responsibility and accountability for your growth in your personal and professional life
  • Improve emotional management in crisis
  • Increase awareness and consciousness
  • Master the art of living a healthy and happy life
  • Find your calling and live your life of passion
  • Understand yourself better

Improve All Aspects of Life though Life Coaching​

Mind and Emotions

Professional Life




Health and Wellness

Money and Financial

Social Life

Life Coaching will help you RELEASE:

  • Emotional conflicts & Mood swings
  • Limiting beliefs that are preventing your growth
  • Unhealthy mind pattern and overthinking
  • Obstacles that are holding you back
  • Unhealthy and unproductive habits
  • Negative self-talk and self-doubts
  • Procrastination
  • Low vibrations

Life Coaching will help you GAIN:

  • Progressive & positive mindset
  • Clarity & Balance
  • Emotions & Mind Mastery
  • Art of healthy and peaceful life
  • Self-love, higher vibrations, and vibrant energy
  • Confidence & better decision making
  • Accountability & Growth mindset
  • Time management 
  • Better relationships

Self-Mastery Life Coaching Modalities

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Life Coaching Techniques

Mindfulness & Yogic Lifestyle

Shadow Work & Healing

Personal Excellence Techniques

A Glimpse of Life Coaching Sessions Approach

How Life Coaching with Dr Pooja Works?

  • Listen:

    A safe place where you can discuss your concerns without being judged.

  • Discover:

    Discover what is holding you back and preventing you from achieving your goals.

  • Release:

    Step by step process will help you release all that holding you back from growth.

  • Reprogram:

    Highly customised strategic planning and actions to achieve your objectives.

  • Create:

    Actions, accountability and feedback toward your desired life and goals.

Ready to Create a Radiant and Fulfilling Life?

Book 1:1 Life Coaching Sessions with Dr Pooja

Dr Pooja Patel - Certified Yoga Teacher and Life Coach in India

Schedule Your Session

Focused in-depth coaching session to address your challenge with customized applicable techniques in your case.

  • 45-Min Session – Online on Google Meet
  • India – INR 4500  3000
  • Outside India – USD 75  50

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Life Coaching? And How does Life Coaching work?

Life Coaching is helping people to achieve goals in their personal and professional life by making them take action in the appropriate direction by listening and guiding self-awareness.

In a nutshell, Life coaching helps you see life through your objectives and options available to you to achieve desired goals and live a meaningful life.

How Life Coach will help me solve my problems and achieve my goals?

Life Coach act as facilitators who will help you see things differently, and turn complexity into a simple process so that you can gain self-mastery and solve your problems with options available to you.

I am taking Life Coaching sessions for the first time, do I need specific preparation?

No! Just feel free to express yourself and be receptive to coaching techniques.

How long will I need Life Coaching sessions?

It depends on your objectives & the goals you want to achieve and how you respond to coaching techniques.

On what topics I will receive Life Coaching from you?

 Clarity & Balance, Life Purpose & Calling, Conscious living & Spirituality, Relationships, Self-mastery, Emotions-Mastery, Mindset & Mind-Mastery, Professional growth, Time management, Self-Awareness & Self-love and other similar topics on personal and professional excellence.

Who can take life coaching sessions?

Anyone who wants growth, success and contentment in personal and professional life.

Meet Dr Pooja Patel

Dr Pooja Patel - Certified Yoga Teacher and Life Coach

Dr Pooja is a gold medallist doctor (BHMS) turned Certified Holistic Life Coach and Author in India.

She coaches conscious individuals to achieve their holistic health & wellness and personal excellence goals.

And, empower your physical, mental-emotional, relationships, Lifestyle – food habits, and spiritual dimensions of life through a Holistic approach with a perfect blend of ancient & modern techniques. 

Her expertise includes Sound medical knowledge, Ashtang Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, Yogic Nutrition, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Self-mastery Life Coaching.

Yes! I Want to Redefine My Life!

Create the life you want to live by discovering fundamental reasons for your current struggle and unfolding your unique customised solution for your self-mastery.

Schedule First Session

Address the burning challenge, discover root causes & get a framework to apply.

Book a Discovery Call

Want to discuss with Dr. Pooja first? Book a discovery call to discuss your goals and coaching strategy.

Send Enquiry

Not sure if your concerns are coachable or want to book a package? Submit your query.